Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Let It Roll

No matter what happens today lets just let it roll right off us. I am hoping to hear good news today about schooling but there is just as great a chance that it will be bad news. So when I have a day that may have a negative outcome I like to listen to this song. It soothes me. It goes along with my mood. I love this song!
Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

**It was good news by the way! Let the Good times ROLL!!!

Let It Roll by: Secondhand Serenade

Monday, May 30, 2011

Blind Man

Well it's time to go back to my roots. Sort of. What I mean by that is back to my childhood. This is honestly one of my favorite songs my mother would play. It is a very touching song that almost makes you want to cry. I love it! I know I could post a million more modern songs on this blog but that is not the point. This blog is to expose you all to a variety of songs old and new. I hope you all like this song of the day. I know I do.
Sadly I cannot find this song on Grooveshark and my computer won't let me upload it to it. :( You should go buy it on itunes or Amazon! You always should if you like a song but this one is so worth it!
Unitl tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Blind Man by: Paul Gross

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Praise To The Lord, The Almighty

I hope you are all having a wonderful Sabbath day. I know that I am. I love how this song today makes me feel. Kurt Bestor really has a way of bringing the spirit with all of his music. I hope we all try to strive to be better people this coming week. I know I will. Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Praise To The Lord, The Almighty by: Kurt Bestor

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Boy With a Coin

I cannot explain to you why I like this song. Maybe it is because I like to sing along to it... or maybe it is because it has a fun beat... or maybe its because I like the music video. Not sure... I just love it! Let me know if you love it too! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Boy With a Coin by: Iron & Wine

Friday, May 27, 2011

King of Anything

Oh Sara Bareilles... I really like pretty much all the songs she does. This one I purchased a little bit more recently then the others that I have. It is kind of an empowering song really. You should do what you want to do and not just because someone tells you to. No one can make you do anything. I think you guys will like this song. Enjoy! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

King of Anything by: Sara Bareilles

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pork and Beans

I suppose you could say I posted this song today because I am in the work out state of mind. But... I actually posted this because this is one of those songs you wave your arms in the air above your head and do the whole 'nod your head' thing because... well.. you can. You can and you will nod your head when you listen to this song. It has a great beat and lyrics that will have you singing at the top of your lungs in no time! It's a 'things are good right now' kind of a song. Enjoy! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Pork and Beans by: Weezer

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Here It Goes Again

Well today I told you all I would tell you what my theme song was. Well... for now it is Here It Goes Again by Ok Go. Why? I am working on getting fit with Zumba! and running. This song inspires me to work out! This is the song I picture following me around as I work hard to get fit. Not to mention how fun this music video is!? I mean dancing on treadmills? Awesome! Ok!....Go!

Here It Goes Again by: Ok Go

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Song In My Head

First the title: I think there is never a moment in the day when I do not have a song in my head. I think everyone should have a theme song following them around at all times! What would be my theme song? Not sure... give me a little bit of time and maybe I will tell you tomorrow. I think my theme song changes with my mood. This song today is pretty fun. I really like the music video! I have a thing for really fun music videos. So watch it you won't regret it. Today I will even add a bonus song by the same group in for you guys. Yes... I am just that great! Enjoy! Until tomorrow
I am The Music Nerd.

Song In My Head by: Sherwood

Bonus song:

Make It Through by: Sherwood

Monday, May 23, 2011


It's another Monday. This song just feels like a Monday song to me. :) Okay you got me! I actually just clicked forward once on my Itunes playlist and this song came up. And no. I did not do that because I am lazy. I would not post this song if I did not think it was worthy! Several songs were passed over before I got to this song. This song is just BEAUTIFUL. And a BEAUTIFUL song deserves to be heard. Enjoy!
Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Breakeven by: The Script

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Plagues

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday. Today's song of the day is another song from The Prince of Egypt. I really like this song because it is a great way to remember the plagues that well plagued Egypt. I also like how they protray the relationship between the two brothers. I am amazed even as I watch this video of how through all the plagues and pain that he and his people were suffering the pharoah still kept his heart hardened. Even though all he had to do was let the people go, he kept his heart hard even until his own sons death. Makes me feel sad...very sad. It is still just a wonderful song! Really well done. Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

The Plagues by: Amick Bryam Featuring Ralph Fiennes

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)

Saturday! Saturday for me means Zumba! So on such a work out oriented day as today I thought I would put a fun upbeat song. This is another one of those songs you rock out to in your car with the windows down. Enjoy your Saturday! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) by: Shakira

Friday, May 20, 2011

Save Yourself

I have to say that I love this song! (When is that not true?) So if you haven't heard this song you are in for a treat! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Save Yourself by: Sense Field

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mr. Blue Sky

I go to the dentist today... and that in itself should call for a super sad song but I don't roll like that. So instead I am going to brighten my spirits and the spirits of all those around me with a happy song. Enjoy the video with afros and big mustaches! Gotta love the 70's! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Mr. Blue Sky by: Electric Light Orchestra

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Party Rock Anthem

Have you noticed that there seems to be a theme going on in movies and books about an apocolyptic world? It seems to be all the rage right now. For this music video today I would like to have you think of the movie I Am Legend. Hopefully you have all seen it about the world becoming infected and everyone turning into zombies. Well picture that when you watch this video but instead of everyone being zombies they are infected with the need to dance! Now that is the kind of apocolyptic world I want to read/watch about! My really good friend showed me this song the other night and I had to put it up as my song of the day today. It just makes you want to dance and dance well! :) Enjoy! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Party Rock Anthem by: LMFAO featuring: Lauren Bennett & GoonRock

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Art Of Falling

I would consider myself a kultz by nature. I know how to fall quite well. However, I do not think of it as an art. I think of it as a cruel fact of nature... I cannot tell you the number of times I have fallen, stubbed my toe and fallen, banged my shin on a coffee table and fallen.... fell off my bike... okay you get my point. I am a klutz. Now I can consider myself an artist of falling because of this songs title. :) But honestly that is not the kind of falling this song is talking about. And this song is really good. I love it! So listen and love it too! The song of the day is:

The Art Of Falling by: Greg Holden

Until tomorrow I am the Music Nerd.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Bomb

Happy Monday! I know many people out there do not like Monday's but I love Monday's! Monday marks a whole new week for working out! I am a big fan of working out. So today I will post a song that is great for running or dancing or whatever you will like it for. It has a great beat. Enjoy the song of the day:

The Bomb by: Pigeon John

Until tomorrow I am the Music Nerd.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Who Will Wait

Today is Sunday and Suday's call for a more spiritual song. So today is a song that always gets me thinking about whether I am prepared or not for the coming of the Savior. I hope it gets you guys thinking too. :)And sadly again Grooveshark dosn't have the song for today. Hopefully tomorrow. Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Who Will Wait by: Steven Kapp Perry

Saturday, May 14, 2011


You just got to love songs you find from t.v. shows. This is one of them. I love the music and feeling of this song. It makes me think of a guy/girl who hurth their girlfriend/boyfriend and then can't seem to be the same as they were before. Now I wish I had a better video for you but there really isn't a lot of good choices out there. I try my best people. And sadly Grooveshark can't find this song. But you can find it and purchase it on ITunes or Amazon. Enjoy! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Alien by: Carey Brothers

Friday, May 13, 2011

Into The Ocean

This is another song I found on one of those mornings I was watching the music channel. I think this video is kind of cool. But basically I love this song because of the over all mood and feeling of the song. Hope you enjoy your day!
And you know what is funny? The last two days have dissappeared from my blog! I have no idea how that happened. The Beatles and Move Along. Sad day. So don't worry I didn't forget the last two days. Check out Grooveshark to the right.

Into The Ocean by: Blue October

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Beatles

It has come to my knowledge that an outrageous musical crime has happened to the new generation! And I will just not stand for it! To me there is one band that will live forever. There is one band that no other band will ever be able to touch as far as how popular, how amazing and how legendary they were. No singer, song writer, band, group, etc. will ever be the same kind of great as this band was.... The Beatles. I read that in a singing competition on t.v. they were given an assignment of doing a Beatles song. No one on that show knew who they were or any of their songs. They had to have people come in AND coach them to sing like the Beatles! Well people I just can't stand that! So today I will show you a few of my favorite songs by them. I hope that this will reach the people who need to know who this group is. The Beatles may have come out with their first ablum 50 years ago but they have and should live on forever! Let the education begin:
Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Get Back by: The Beatles

Here Comes The Sun by: The Beatles

All You Need is Love by: The Beatles

Blackbird by: The Beatles

Here is a taste of The Beatles. Go look up the rest of their songs. It is worth it I promise! Show the next generation this music.... we need to keep the legend alive.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Move Along

Utah. This is what this song reminds me of. Do not ask me why that is... it has nothing to do with Utah. I think it is because years and years ago I listened to this song for the first time on my way to EFY in Salt Lake City, Utah. Whenever I hear this song I think of the roads and mountains and just the scenery of Utah. I also think about my social life at the time... weird I know... but I strongly believe that memories can be attached to certain songs. And Utah is the memory that is attached to this song for me. I actually haven't heard this song in forever until yesterday my husband and I were watching She's The Man and it was the last song played in the movie. The thought and memories that popped into my head? not the movie.... Utah.
Until tomorrow I Am The Music Nerd.

Move Along by: The All-American Rejects

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Love Today

I went through a period of time where all I wanted to listen to was this song. The only bad thing about this is over time I begin to wear out how much I like it but... it was worth it! I still love this song though and have to share it with you. I remembered how much I love this song when I was driving in my car yesterday and this song came on. It made me smile. Enjoy! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Love Today by: MIKA

Monday, May 9, 2011


I know that many of you have probably heard this song before. I just love it too much to not put it on this blog. Hey! The chance is that some of you have not heard this song and therefore are getting a golden opportunity to now know it! The video for today is from Spider Man 2 and we all know Spider Man is just COOL!

Vindicated by: Dashboard Confessional

Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

She's Always A Woman

Happy Mother's Day to all you mother's out there! I know I always post a sprititual song on Sunday's but today I thought I would post something for my mother. Whenever I hear this song I think of my mother. She used to play this in the car and she and I would sing along to it. It is really one of my favorite songs we sang together. So mom.... this is for you! I love you! Happy mother's day!

She's Always A Woman by: Billy Joel

Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

We No Speak Americano

My good friend showed me this song a few months back. I really liked the video she showed me and the song was pretty nice too. It is funky and interesting and different. Got to love it! The song of the day today is:

We No Speak Americano by: Yolanda Be Cool & DCup

I will post the original music video and then under that post the video I like way bettter! So watch BOTH! Or I will have to give you the evil eye....
Unitl tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.


And for kicks and giggles watch the mystery guitar man version too! Awesome!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dead Hearts

I love this song....then again....when do I post a song I DON'T love?? I heard this song on the t.v. show Chuck. I love the show Chuck and I find a lot of great music there. You will just have to listen to this song to find out why it is so great! The song of the day today is:

Dead Hearts by: Stars

Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Orff, Carmina Burana, O Fortuna

Alright so I normally do not put classical music on this blog.. and if I do I usually reserve it for Sunday's. But this time is different. This song just happens to be the one song that goes along with any movie trailer well. I dare you to find a movie trailer that dosn't look awesome with this music put to it! With that in mind I will give you an example push play at 50 seconds in on the song in the video below harry potter trailer and then push play on the Harry Potter trailer right after the green message below with the video on mute. I think you will be pleasently surprised. :) I would skip the song to about 1 minute in... it works out best that way. Enjoy the song of the day:

Orff, Carmina Burana, O Fortuna by: Carl Orff

LoL I just realized you can't move the grooveshark player to a minute in. So here is a video with just the music. move this one in to about 50 seonds and then push play on the harry potter trailer above after the green message. :)

And for kicks and giggles. The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 LIteral trailer. It is one of my favorite funny videos right now.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Only Alive

My husband picked the song of the day today. I couldn't complain because I think this song is amazing too. The video today is a movie I have never seen.... and I am not sure what movie it is but it looks interesting. The song of the day today is:

Only Alive by: Jars of Clay

Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme)

I heard this song for the first time when the movie Treasure Planet came out. Not only do I love that movie but I love this particular song from it. I like how it says how "the world wants me to change but I just stay the same." It makes me think about how I like who I am and no matter what the world wants me to be I still just want to be me.

I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme) by: John Rzeznik

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lux Aurumque

I was planning on posting a different song for the song of the day today. However, I discovered this song and its accompanying video and couldn't help but post it. This is the FIRST EVER Virtual Choir! Eric Whitacre received a video of a young girl singing this song and he fell in love with it. He decided to send out a youtube video asking people around the world to submit videos of them singing this song and he got a huge response. And so 185 Voices, 243 Tracks, and 12 countries comprise this song. It is so beautiful and moving that I had to post it. What an amazing way to create a choir. To imagine that each person can submit their best performance so that the song in the end is absolutely perfect! Please let me know what you think about the first virtual choir I would love to know!

Lux Aurumque by: Eric Whitacre

Until tomorrow I am the Music Nerd.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Through Heaven's Eyes

For the past half hour I have been staring at some flowers my husband bought me for Easter. He bought them when they had not bloomed so over the past week I have seen three buds bloom into flowers. It has been beautiful and today I have sat and looked at one of the buds starting to bloom and didn't want to look away because for some reason I wanted to see it move as it slowly blooms. It just so happens that the second I look away is the time it opens a little further. Darn.... Not that this has anything to do with today's song but I just find the beauties of the earth so facinating. Today's song of the day comes from the movie The Prince of Egypt. I love this movie and how all the music moves me and makes me want to be a better person. If you have not seen this movie you need to go rent it or buy it and watch it because believe me you will love it! I would just buy the whole soundtrack to that movie because it has been on my Sunday playlist since before I can remember. So today's song of the day is a song I have loved ever since I saw the movie:

Through Heaven's Eyes by: Bryan Stokes Mitchell

Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.