Saturday, April 30, 2011


I remember when I first heard this song. I was sitting on the sofa in my college apartment with wet hair and a slices of apple with cinnamon sprinkled over the top, watching the music channel. I go through periods of time where I will watch the music channel for fun. I don't do this all the time. But this particular morning I decided to watch the muisc channel and that is when Paralyzer played for the first time to my ears. I loved it! Not only did I love the song but I loved the music video. I immediately shared it with my boyfriend (who is now my husband) and he loved it too! It is for this memory, that I seem to still have, that I am sharing this beloved song with you all. It just makes you want to get down and dance! And since Saturday is a day for celebration! A break from most poeple's jobs and school, I give you the Song Of The Day:

Paralyzer by: Finger Eleven

Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Don't let the name of this song fool you! Yes, it is hard to say/pronounce, but it is one of the catchiest songs out there. It is one of those songs that I picture being played at wal mart while you are cruising the isles not really paying attention to the songs playing. Then you realize that you don't understand a word that the singer is saying but is sounds like English. How often do you pay attention to the music at the store? Anyway I thought a catchy, funny, enthusiatic song was perfect for today. The singer of this song is Italian who wrote this song in 1972 and tried to make it sound like it was in English. I have always wondered what English sounds like to people who do not speak it and I think this is what it would be like. Crazy huh? The song of the day is:

Prisencolinensinainciusol by: Adriano Celentano

I wish I could buy this song on Itunes or Amazon but I cannot find it for sale much to my despair.... Oh well ENJOY! Feel free to leave a comment too I would love to hear what you think.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

How Far We've Come

Ever since I watched the movie When In Rome I have loved this song. I tried my best to find a clip of the movie where they are in the clown car racing to get to her guy in time but sadly I couldn't find one. You will just have to go watch the movie yourself and realize how cute the clown car scene really is. Don't worry though I never leave you hanging for a great clip to go along with songs of the day! You will just have to be satisfied by the awesome real music video that I would have posted anyway because...well lets just be honest.... how could I not post the real music video!? I can't explain why I like this song so much but trust's good. Today's Song of the day is:

How Far We've Come by: Matchbox Twenty

Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So today's song of the day is sponsored by strawberries! I will admit I have a weakness for strawberries. Yesterday I went to the store and right as I walked in they were just putting out the strawberries! I knew that I couldn't get strawberries any fresher than that! Plus I knew that no one before me had even touched them! I couldn't help myself so I bought 4 pounds of strawberries! While I was cutting up these strawberries and placing them in the tupperware container I thought of this song.

Bruises by: Chairlift

The reason it is the song of the day is because it mentions frozen strawberries.... and since I have been singing it ever since I was cutting up strawberries I decided it would be the song of the day today! Enjoy! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kingdom Dance

Time for a musical score for a song of the day. Today's song of the day is from the movie Tangled! If you have never seen it before you really should. This song makes me want to dance everytime I hear it! It is for this reason the song of the day is:

Kingdom Dance by: Alan Menken
My favorite part of this clip is when the little girls look at Rapunzel and are in awe of her hair and then braid it. I don't know why that is my favorite part but it is. This is the best quality video I could embed on my page so sorry it isn't the best. Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Monday, April 25, 2011

You Always Make Me Smile

Today my husband made me smile by giving me a belated Easter card and flowers. It is for this reason I thought the song of the day should be:

You Always Make Me Smile by: Kyle Andrews

Not only do I love this song but I love the video that goes with it. I know the people who made the music video possible and that fact alone makes it even more special to me. This song just makes me happy whenever I hear it. This is deff. not a song to play when you are mad or sad. This is a sunny day, I love life kind of a song. Enjoy!
Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Is Risen

Happy Easter to everyone! I cannot post a song of the day today without having it be about the savior. This first video is by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every talk Elder Holland has ever given has inspired me to live better and to come unto Christ. This video touched me in so many ways and I know that I want to stand up for what I believe in and live my life better every day. Every Sunday is a day to remember the Savior Jesus Christ and re commit our lives to him but Easter sunday is a day where we remember specifically all he has done for us. We remember that everything he ever did was for us out of love. He lived and died for us and then was ressurected. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and am eternally greatful for all that he does for me. I pray that I can do half as much for him as he has done for me. I am a daughter of God. I am a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. I know that this church is the true church here on earth and I know that one day I will be able to go back and live with him. I know that one day I will be reunited with my eternal family. I know that the Lord has given us a living prophet on the earth today to lead and guide us so that we may be able to do the right things in this life and return to live with our Heavenly Father again. Please watch this video it is truely touching. If you would like to learn more about The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints you can go to:
Apparently this video dosn't want to show on my blog but if you click on the words Mormons Easter Thoughts... you will be taken to the video. :)I highly reccommend you do. Elder Holland is inspiring.

Mormons Easter Thoughts on Christ by mormon

To go with the meaning of Easter I will now post the song of the day which is:

He Is Risen by: The Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Happy Easter to all! I hope we all take a little time today to remember all the Savior Jesus Christ has done for us. Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ya Better Believe

Today I am working out and since all good work out routines need an awesome soundtrack I chose this song for the song of the day. Not only does it have an awesome beat but it really gets you moving. It is one of my favorite songs currently. I could listen to it over and over and not get tired of it. So the song of the day is:

Ya Better Believe by: Max Morgan
Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The General

Take a shower and shine your shoes because the song of the day today is:

The General by: Dispatch!

I got this song from my older sister who has always been an inspiration to me in so many ways and has always introduced me to the most amazing music! So thank you sister of mine... this song is for you!
Until Tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Making Sound

On a cloudy morning such as this one I felt that this song was a perfect fit for the mood of the weather. Mooood Weather!!! :) I love when weather inspires me to listen to a type of song. This song brings a wonderful feeling and mood that I just love! Today's song of the day is:

Making Sound by: Cindy Santini

Enjoy! Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Grace Kelly

Ever since I saw my older sister and her son dance to this song full of joy and silliness, I have LOVED it! It just makes me happy okay!? I mean what is there not to like about this song? Um.... I thnk nothing!? This song is one of those feel good, belt it out at the top of your lungs, dance while driving with the sun roof down kind of songs. One of those songs where as you are driving and people in the car next to you will look at you like you are crazy! But in all honesty if they were listening to the same song as you they would be doing the same thing! So in reality they have no place to judge. Yes people.... this is a really good song! Feel free to let your hair down a little....or a lot! Because today's song of the day is:

Grace Kelly by: MIKA

Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We're All In This Together

Another day dawns and on this particular morning this song came into mind. Sometimes it is hard getting up in the morning and sometimes life itself is particularly difficult but we should remember that 'we're all in this together'. :) So today's song of the day is:

We're All In This Together by: Katie Herzig

I love the overall mood of this song. The music and lyrics are soothing in a way and with all the hectic, crazy, stressful things that go on in life we all need a nice peaceful, soothing song in our lives. I would link the song on GrooveShark to the right if it were available there. You should go to Itunes and listen to the song there. It really is a great song.
Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Let's kick off this week with a song that makes me smile. Today's song of the day is:
Tribute by: Tenacious D
My husband showed me this song when we were dating. I have kind of liked it ever since. If you haven't gotten the impression yet, I have a wide variety of musical interests. This will probably get more apparent as time goes on. I just couldn't make a music blog , in good conscience, without presenting "The Best Song In The World" to you all. :) Enjoy!
Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Countess Cathleen/ Woman Of The Sidhe

On Sunday's I will always post a song of a more spiritual nature. Growing up I always listened to Riverdance music on Sunday along with the chruch music on my Sunday playlist. I love Riverdance and was lucky enough to go to a live performance a few years ago. This is one of my favorite songs done by them. Nothing sparks my imagination more than listening to a soundtrack of Riverdance. So enjoy the 1995 performance of this song it is the one I grew up watching on the VHS my grandmother gave my family.
Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


"A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache." -Catherine the Great

The title of this song made me wonder what kinds of quotes are out there for 'wind' and this one I found amusing. However, we are not here to talk about quotations, as much as I like them, we are here to talk about the song of the day! Today's song of the day is:
Wind by: Akeboshi

Luckily today I have an actual music video for you! Enjoy!

I have to say that this is one of my favorite songs...and yes you will find I have A LOT of favorite songs. But as The Music Nerd it is my duty to have A LOT of favorite songs. I also have a rather wide variety of music that I listen to and I hope to share a little of everything on this blog in the course of time. Back to the song of the day. I first discovered this song while watching the ending credits to the first season of Naruto. My husband and I share an interest in Anime and Naruto was the first Anime we ever watched together. I highly reccommend it to anyone it has a amazing plot line and even more amazing characters with deep background into each characters life. If you do decide to watch Naruto however I highly reccommend watching it in Japanese with English subtitles. The English voice overs kind of ruin it. Anyways I heard this song at the end of Naruto and fell in love with it! I immediately found it and added it to one of my many playlists. I hope you all enjoy this song as much as I did. I will post the video of the ending credits of Naruto just for kicks and giggles. You should all watch it too it's actually a really cool ending sequence!
Until tomorrow The Music Nerd.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I strongly believe that music can brighten your day, enhance your mood, and make you immensely happy. It is for this reason that I thought I would write about a different song everyday. Not only will I broaden the scope of music that I listen to but I will be able to share with you a wide variety of wonderful songs worthy of listening to. I am also proud to promote many different artists music and STRONGLY promote that if you like a song you hear here that you also do the right thing by buying the songs from Itunes, Amazon or your local stores. I would love to hear your comments on the songs I post and any recommendations you have of new songs I can post and recommend. And now on to THE FIRST SONG OF THE DAY ever to be posted on this blog!

Tightrope by: Paul Freeman

I have to say that I love this song and how inspiring it is to me. Funny thing is the first time I heard this song was on the ABC Family show Make it or Break it. Yes... I am a nerd for many different t.v. shows that many people would wonder why I watch them but I am not afraid to admit that I am indeed a NERD and proud of it! I hope you all enjoy this song and share it with other people so that they might be able to enjoy it too.
Until tomorrow I am The Music Nerd.